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hello again books is invested in being an active part of the community. We support events throughout the village and activities throughout Brevard County!


We also seek out partnerships and collaborations with businesses and organizations.


For example, we have a truly unique collaboration with Rockledge Gardens in Rockledge, FL. hello again books carries the books for each of their book clubs:

  • Boozy Botanicals Book Club (adults)

  • Little Bugs Book Club (ages 9-12)


Definitely visit lovely Rockledge Gardens and wander the grounds - it's a mystical and magical place that will inspire and feed your soul! ...just like a book! 


We began attending PFLAG Melbourne virtual meetings during the pandemic and continue to do so, meeting members of our community and finding ways to bring us all together. Should you be interested in learning more, consider joining the meetings or visiting hello again books and we'll tell you how much we love participating!


The people we've met through PFLAG Melbourne have been welcoming, kind, and sincere about their willingness to not only meet new people but have real connections with others! They're a beautiful group of individuals who understand the meaning of support and togetherness! 


hello again books is an active board member with the Historic Cocoa Village Main Street (HCVMS) Association. This association works with merchants, vendors, and community members to continue the development of a vital, inviting commercial district in the Village. 


HCVMS is dedicated to historic preservation, promoting the shops, restaurants, and businesses in the Village, and offering a vibrant civic gathering place for all to enjoy! 


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