We’ve come up with what we think are some exciting events, but if you have a fun idea for our hello again books community, talk to us while you’re in the store or send an email to helloagainbooks@gmail.com. We’re open to suggestions!
One thing: Before we get into the specifics, these events may change and are subject to cancellation due to circumstances beyond our control, so we recommend you check us out on social media (Instagram and Facebook) or call us (321) 877-0351.
Let's talk events!​​
A Day in Early June: "Be the Rainbow!" Pride in the Village
2025 will be our 5th annual Be the Rainbow event in historic Cocoa Village! We have a full day of activities scheduled that are created to honor our diverse community - allies are welcome, and colorful attire is encouraged! Rainbows, unicorns, tutus... wear anything and everything that brings you happiness when you put it on! Visit the Be the Rainbow page here on our website! And thanks for coming this past June!
Weekly & Monthly Scheduled Events
SECOND Wednesday of every month: hello again books Banned Book Club (the BBC) 6:30pm-8pm. We host our own, all-genre book club every month and invite readers to join us for a lively discussion about a specific banned/challenged book and anything else that might come up! Want to come? Just show up. Want to know what we're reading? Check out our posts on IG or FB or visit the store!
THIRD Wednesday of every month: hello again books SMUT Book Club. 6:30pm-8pm. Friends of hello again books host this book club every month and invite readers to join them for a lively and colorful discussion about the book and anything else that might come up! NOTE: these books are sexually explicit in nature. Attend at your own discretion. Want to attend? Just show up. Want to know what we're reading? Check out our posts on IG or FB or visit the store!
LAST Wednesday of every month: hello again books Regular Book Group (RBG) 6:30pm-8pm. We host our own book club every month and invite readers to join us for a lively discussion about the book and anything else that might come up! Want to come? Just show up. Want to know what we're reading? Check out our posts on IG or FB or visit the store!
LAST Friday of every month: Book Club *for Kids by Kids. 4pm-5pm. Friends of hello again books host this book club every month. This group, for kids between the ages of 11-14 years old, focuses on age-appropriate banned and challenged books. Please fill out the Google Docs form for details.
Select Fridays: LGBTQ+ Game Night. 6:30pm-8pm. Hang out, play a card game, enjoy a beverage, and if you so choose, meet some people! Allies welcome! Mainly for the 18 and over crowd, but we'll welcome a young teen or good kid now and again! (follow us on FB and IG just in case we decide to do an outing!)
On certain Saturdays: Author Events/Pop-up Craft Events. 1-3pm). Enjoy learning about books written by local authors! They'll talk about their writing process, their book, and how they got it published. Most authors stay for questions and sell copies of their book at the event! Or, get ready to shop items and creations from local crafters and artists.
Select Sundays: Sit & Knit. 12pm-4pm. Bring your knitting, crochet, needlepoint, beading, or yarn-spinning and enjoy our space while crafting with other like-minded peeps. Might be the perfect time to find a new pattern and make a crafty friend or two!
Follow us on FB and IG for updates!
Special events happen all the time! For exact dates and times for all events follow us on Facebook or Instagram. If you’re not social media savvy/friendly, visit the store and talk to us!
We Support NaNoWriMo Participation
Yes! We're talking about the National Novel Writing Month event, which takes place every November. Basically, you commit to writing a certain number of words every day so that at the end of November you have a complete first draft of a 50,000-word novel. A NOVEL that YOU wrote.
Have you been thinking about writing a book? THIS is your opportunity to get in on the ground floor and be a part of a community of writers who can support you through this journey. There are events throughout the year to get writers writing... so join in anytime!
Honestly, we've been thinking about doing this for years, but have never made the time or the commitment. You know what: there's no time like the present! Let's get started, so when we hit November we are a small but supportive group of writers ready to join the thousands of others around the world who accept the challenge of writing a novel in a month!
Want more information on NaNoWriMo? Check it out here.